
Join us as we pray for the communities and people with whom we work. Invite us to your church so we can share more about our peacebuilding work.


We depend on the prayers of our faithful supporters. We produce a magazine called Reflect three times a year to help guide people as they pray.

“I’m reminded of these words from George Washington Carver ‘Where there is no vision, there is no hope’. We need this inspired vision, a vision of the world we want to see, a vision that moves us to action, so we can pray, organise and work to make that vision a reality.”   

Jude Thompson Black, Cord’s Senior Programme Development Officer

Book a speaker

We’re available throughout the year to come and speak. If you want someone to preach on a Sunday morning or talk to your group, please get in touch. Whether you’ve supported us for years or are new to our peacebuilding projects we’d love to come and share more about our life changing work.  

Email  or call us on 024 7708 7777  


Toyota Land Cruiser in front of a building in Burundi


Some groups and churches make a regular donation, others support us at certain times of the year. However you would like to support our work, we can offer resources to help you. We can provide newsletter articles, prayer updates, videos, posters or anything else you need!   

Church resources

Hope on the horizon

Thousands of families around the world face the threat of losing their land, and with it, their homes and means to survive. But hope is uniting these poor communities; they are rising up against injustice. And you can stand shoulder to shoulder with them.  

Work for us

Looking for a new career opportunity and excited about helping to restore peace so that people can prosper? Find out more about our current opportunities.

Sign up for updates

Thanks so much for deciding to stay in touch and find out how Cord’s peacebuilding work is changing lives. Simply fill in your details below and let us know how you’d like to hear from us.
Group of people working around an iPad

The business of building peace  

If you’d like to fundraise in your workplace, make Cord your charity of the year, or explore a corporate partnership, we’ve got all the information, support and resources you’ll need. 
Lives changed
Pascaline has gone from being a refugee, trying to survive and keep her children alive, to a successful business owner and community leader working to sustain lasting peace.