How we work

Read about our strategy, theory of change and how we measure our impact. Find out why working in partnership is so important to us and who we’re working with.

Our strategy

There are 3 strands to our peacebuilding work. Together they strengthen relationships between different parts of society. Communities become safer and more stable, and people prosper.
Building Bridges in Burundi programme


Because of the complex contexts where Cord works, we’ve pioneered outcome harvesting as a monitoring and evaluation approach to compliment traditional methods. It identifies, describes, verifies and analyzes outcomes.
A group of children in laos

Theory of Change 

Our Theory of Change explains how and why we’ll achieve our vision, of a world where all people can live in peace and live life to the full.
The patrol team ready for doing mission


Partnership is fundamental to the way Cord operates. It is a key outworking of our organisational value of inter-dependence.
Lives changed
Cord has the privilege of partnering with some amazing organisations, including Wan Lark in Myanmar. Operating since 2010, Wan Lark’s work involves emergency relief, community development and defending human rights. They are based in Sittwe, the capital of Rakhine State. This port city on the Bay of Bengal at the mouth of the Kaladan River, ...