Leave a gift in your will

Gifts in wills are amongst the most special donations we receive. We are truly humbled whenever someone decides to support our peacebuilding work in this way.

A legacy of peace

Gifts in Wills are amongst the most special donations we receive. We are truly humbled whenever someone decides to support our peacebuilding work in this way. The process is easy, and we can provide all the support you need.  

If you have any questions, would like to talk to someone, or require more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch. To request a copy in the post, email info@cord.org.uk or call us on +44 024 7708 7777 .

Why Claire wants to leave a parting gift  

With a gift in your Will you can help more people live in peace and lead a full life. This was at the forefront of Claire’s thinking when deciding to leave a legacy to Cord. 

“When I’m no longer on this earth and can’t support Cord, I can leave a last parting gift.”  

Claire was introduced to Cord’s work when she was a missionary in Southeast Asia in the early 1980s.  

“I like supporting Cord because it’s small, spends money wisely and is specific in where it works. I believe in peacebuilding work – bringing people from different political and ethnic groups together. I like the projects, how they empower people through things like setting up small businesses and helping them rise out of poverty.”  

Claire wants to help more people find peace and freedom, long after her life:  

“I’d encourage other Cord supporters to consider leaving a gift to Cord in their will because it can leave something that will last, something that will go on working after they’re not here.”  

Frequently Asked Questions

Many people will look after their loved ones as a priority. However, after they are provided for, even 1% of your estate left to Cord could have a significant impact on our work.  

No, it is very easy to have your Will updated, just get in touch with your Solicitor and explain what you would like to do. 

We recommend you consult a solicitor or expert legal advisor to ensure your Will is legal and valid.  

There are two main ways people choose to support Cord.  

  1. A pecuniary legacy is a fixed amount of money
  2. A residuary legacy is a percentage or share of the balance of your estate once all other payments and gifts have been made.  

Many people prefer to give a residuary gift because it keeps in line with inflation and does not lose value over time.  

You will need our name, charity number and address – Cord Global is a Registered Charity in England and Wales (Number 1070684), Office G7, Enterprise House, Courtaulds Way, Coventry, CV6 5NX  

Most gifts left to Cord are exempt from Inheritance Tax because we are a charity. You can find out more by visiting HMRC at gov.uk/inheritance-tax or asking a solicitor.  

Suggested wording for your Will

Residuary Legacy  

This is when you leave all, or a percentage, of your estate (once all gifts, debts, taxes, and costs associated with it have been deducted) to Cord:  

“I give the whole (or a percentage share) of the residue of my estate to Cord, Office G7, Enterprise House, Courtaulds Way, Coventry, CV6 5NX (registered charity number 1070684) to be used for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.”    

Pecuniary Legacy

This is a gift of a fixed sum of money:  

“I give free of tax to Cord, Office G7, Enterprise House, Courtaulds Way, Coventry, CV6 5NX (registered charity number 1070684) the sum of £ [figures and words] to be used for its general charitable purposes, and I declare that the receipt of the treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.”    

Hope on the horizon

Thousands of families around the world face the threat of losing their land, and with it, their homes and means to survive. But hope is uniting these poor communities; they are rising up against injustice. And you can stand shoulder to shoulder with them.  

Group of people working around an iPad

The business of building peace  

If you’d like to fundraise in your workplace, make Cord your charity of the year, or explore a corporate partnership, we’ve got all the information, support and resources you’ll need. 

Work for us

Looking for a new career opportunity and excited about helping to restore peace so that people can prosper? Find out more about our current opportunities.
Person praying


Join us as we pray for the communities and people with whom we work. Invite us to your church so we can share more about our peacebuilding work.
Nestor and Etienne
Lives changed
Thanks to your loving donations, stories of healing and forgiveness continue to flow from our Dukomeze Kunywana project in Burundi. People who have suffered trauma for decades because of war and violence are finding peace. Relationships are being restored and communities are being renewed. Dukomeze Kunywana is a phrase in Kirundi, a language spoken in ...