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Invitation to tender

Cord is inviting quotes from external auditors to perform an annual financial audit covering the funds Cord received from U.S. Federal awards, namely DRL awards.

The Cambodian mother peacefully protecting her forest home

One courageous woman is protecting the forest where she lives in Cambodia. She’s ensuring that future generations can live in peace in this beautiful habitat. 
Cambodia   //  Environment

Ndikumana’s Story   

Ndikumana’s whole life had focused on survival. Surviving the prejudice she faced due to dwarfism, surviving as a refugee fleeing violence and surviving resulting illnesses. She is now thriving as a female leader

The Burundian business woman building a peaceful and prosperous future

Pascaline has gone from being a refugee, trying to survive and keep her children alive, to a successful business owner and community leader working to sustain lasting peace.
Sandrine in a group discussion
Lives changed
Sandrine’s life has been transformed with Cord’s support. Challenging prejudice towards Albino children means that she and other children can now live in peace in their Burundian community.