Together, we can create lasting change

Thank you for pledging to support people living in peace and reaching their potential!

At Cord we’ve pledged to support peace at every level. So, we help people in a holistic way. We work with vulnerable people and those in power, strengthening relationships between different parts of society. We empower people by helping them to make a living, supporting them through trauma and providing training so they can defend their rights whilst avoiding conflict. When this happens, people can look forward to educating their children, proper healthcare and all the other basic needs that most of us take for granted. They can face the future with hope and reach their potential.

And you can help. Donations to Cord can transform day-to-day life for people living in frightening or insecure conditions. Donations support people to live in peace and reach their potential.

If you are able, can you help by making a one-off donation to Cord?

Lives changed
Cord has the privilege of partnering with some amazing organisations, including Wan Lark in Myanmar. Operating since 2010, Wan Lark’s work involves emergency relief, community development and defending human rights. They are based in Sittwe, the capital of Rakhine State. This port city on the Bay of Bengal at the mouth of the Kaladan River, ...